Welcome to Early Me! We’re excited that you joined the community and are confident you will enjoy getting to know those closest to you a little better.

Watch the video to get started using the mobile app, or read the recommendations below to help you get the most out of your experience.


Add a photo and complete your profile.

Updating your profile only takes a couple minutes, but makes it easier for your friends to connect with you. Add a photo of yourself, your birth date, a short biography, and where you currently live.

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Create friend groups

When you answer a question and share a memory, you control who can see the memory with friend groups. Create friend groups and add friends to the appropriate groups. Then set the visibility of the memory to the correct group before you publish it. You can change the visibility of a memory or who is in each group at any time.

Some common groups are: Extended Family, Siblings, Close Friends, College Friends, Church Friends, etc. Only you see these group names and know who is assigned to each group.

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Invite friends

Get the most out of Early Me by inviting your close family and friends to join. Some of them may already be on Early Me. If not, they will get an email with details on how to join.

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Ask questions

Your friends need your help rediscovering their past. Ask them questions. Feel free to start with some generic questions, such as “What was your high school prom like?” or “Why did you choose your current career?” As they share experiences you can dig deeper and ask questions that are more personal. That’s when your friend really starts rediscovering their past and you really start getting to know them.

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